2018 Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Quarter


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1+ $0.99 $1.03 $1.09

Established in 1966 as our first national lakeshore, Michigan’s Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore is a narrow strip of a park that hugs the Lake Superior coast for more than 40 miles. The shoreline consists of 200-foot-high colorful sandstone cliffs, numerous beaches, and 300-foot-tall sand dunes. The shoreline is bordered by boreal and eastern hardwood forests with numerous waterfalls, streams, and lakes. There is abundant wildlife, including black bears, deer, and porcupine, with bald eagles and peregrine falcons dotting the skies.


Washington Quarter

Mint Mark

P-Philadelphia, D-Denver, S- San Francisco (Silver), S- San Francisco (Proof)



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