- Product ID: Copperround1
- Year: N/A
- Minted: Private Mint
- Metal Content: 1 oz
- Purity: .999
- Thickness:3.3 mm
- Diameter: 39 mm
- Rolls of 20
James Earle Fraser was one of many artists and sculptors commissioned by the United States Mint and federal government in the early 20th century to help the Treasury Department develop all-new designs for the nations currency. His Buffalo Nickel design was inspired by his life growing up in Winona, Minnesota and the surrounding Midwest region.
The Buffalo Nickel was in circulation in the United States from 1913 to 1938, at which point the design was discontinued in favor of yet another new image. Frasers Buffalo design on the reverse, as depicted on this 1 oz Buffalo Copper Round, was inspired by Black Diamond. That bison was a resident of the Central Park Zoo in New York City during the early 1900s.
On the reverse face of this copper round you’ll find a replica of Frasers bison, complete with the dirt mound that it stood upon in his original Buffalo Nickel design. Engravings surrounding the image include .999 Fine Copper above and One Ounce below.
The obverse face of the round features an American Indian portrait of the United States. This was similar to a Indian or Buffalo Nickel used in the United States between 1913-1938.
Each of these 1 oz Indian / Buffalo Copper Rounds is available in brand-new condition, and was privately minted here in the United States of America.