2014 Shenandoah National Park Quarter


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The Shenandoah National Park quarter is the second of 2014 and the 22nd overall in the America the Beautiful Quarters® Program. Just 75 miles from Washington, D.C., Shenandoah National Park is an escape for travelers wanting a wide range of outdoor adventures. It features cascading waterfalls, spectacular vistas and quiet wooded hollows. Park visitors enjoy hiking, meandering along the scenic Skyline Drive, or camping and picnicking with family or friends. Park habitats provide a haven for black bear and numerous songbirds. Creation of the park was authorized by legislation in 1926 (44 Stat. 616) with formal establishment in 1935 and dedication by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1936.


Washington Quarter

Mint Mark

P-Philadelphia, D-Denver, S- San Francisco (Silver), S- San Francisco (Proof)



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